Wednesday, December 3, 2008

here's an original conspiracy theory I just thought up:

maybe I am completely off my rocker, but seriously...

The current economic "crisis" is staged; It's goal is to get more people to sign up for armed services, because re-instating the draft simply will not work. This way people are more likely to join willingly, instead of by force.
Maybe a bit of a stretch, but reading this - - it clicked.

While I know this isn't completely true, I am sure we will see an increase in enrollment. The estrangement. Had this been due to outside forces, or had a scapegoat, be sure that there would be an invasion to be had. We don't have a convenient outsider to blame. Where is the call to arms? The accountability?

We, the choir, the armchair revolutionaries, will say I told you so, but that's as far as it (ever) goes.

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