Saturday, October 11, 2008

With friends like these, who wouldn't need friends?

Somewhat inspired by Craig's post on his blog and listening to Gogogo Airheart's Love My Life, Hate My Friends as well as some of Jeremy's new photos ...

I'm pretty proud of 99% of my friends' accomplishments.
I've surrounded myself with creative and intelligent people, intentionally.
I think, despite our distances, we feed quite well off each other, even to this day.

Most of all, I'm proudest of the ones I have been closest with. Coincidentally or not, at one time or another we were all in some form of band or music project, or at least one step away from doing so, ie I never actually played music with Damien, but he was in Mortadusk with Craig, and Craig was in Arrows/the last incarnation of Dead Letter Auction, we also had a few other bands that didn't take flight. Also all the boys in Philly (Towers, Peter & Craig, Algernon Cadwallader, etc), we haven't worked together directly yet, but Greg Fowler was in a band that had members of Burial Year, and Josh was in Burial Year, as well as in Dead Letter Auction, a few times, and I was in Drowning With Our Anchors.

Jarod has been in a band called Morrow for quite some time.
I have a press release I'm finishing up with the band that I'll post here, once completed. I've had the full length for a few months now, and can't wait for it's release. It's nothing short of genius, beautiful, heartfelt, honest, and amazing. It makes me pretty excited about music in general again, and that's getting harder and harder to do these days. I will probably be pushing it pretty heavily. I've made mention of it a few times. Jarod recently hinted at us working together really soon again. We have started doing some artwork collaborations through the mail.

Josh has a new band, he sent me a song from a practice, and it's amazing. I believe it's called Pills. It's with Steve Middlekauff, whom incidentally was at a Red Heroine show in Ann Arbor (04.06.01; Ann Arbor, MI; the Pirate House). And at that show a friend of Steve's gave us a free drum set, which of course, caused many fights amongst that band (as if we needed any more reasons to fight). Josh asked me to move to San Francisco to play bass for it, and while tempting, I can't leave New York, yet - I'll get to why eventually on here, and it's not solely school related. Drowning with our Anchors is still rocking it, they are touring Europe next year.

I'm anxious and hopeful that Craig (Phillips) will start a new band with Damien during their time in Portland.

I've become rather close with Portraits of Past, which is strange is some ways. There is talk of them touring Japan and Europe in the summer. They are playing Dude Fest '09, and that means I'm actually going back to Indiana for that.

There are a few others that I'm super proud of, and we'll get to them, someday.

I'm in the process of writing some actual stories that look back at the history of some of these projects, (as well as updating/finishing the few already shared) and look forward to sharing them soon.

1 comment:

stormgren said...

If you must know, I'm a small bit proud of you myself. Call me to let me know what's going on soon. New number 415.596.1802